There is a count that puts the English vocabulary at roughly 1 million words, but that count presumably includes words such as Latin species names, scientific terminology, botanical terms, words with prefixes and suffixes, slang, foreign words of extremely limited use in English. and technical terms. acronyms.
Due to its status as an international language, English quickly adopts foreign words and borrows vocabulary from many other sources. Early English vocabulary studies by lexicographers, academics formally studying vocabulary, compiling dictionaries, or both, were hampered by a lack of complete data on actual vocabulary in use of good quality linguistic corpus, collections of actual written texts. and spoken passages.
Many statements published before the end of the 20th century about the growth of English vocabulary over time, the dates of the first use of various English words, and the sources of the English vocabulary will need to be corrected as a new computerized analysis of the linguistic corpus. the data is available.
English forms new words from existing words or roots in its vocabulary through a variety of processes. One of the most productive processes in English is conversion, using a word with a different grammatical role, for example using a noun as a verb or a verb as a noun.
Another productive word-forming process is nominal composition, which produces compound words such as a babysitter, ice cream, or nostalgia. A more common process in Old English than in Modern English, but still productive in Modern English, is the use of derivative suffixes to derive new words from existing words or roots.
The formation of new words, called neologisms, based on Greek and/or Latin roots is a highly productive process in English and in most modern European languages, so much so that it is often difficult to determine in which language a neologism originated.
Here are some English Games which grow maths knowledge of primary school students. (source:

1.  Order Word (3 letter words)


3.   Plural Form


5.   Fill up