Google Map app Navigate and Explore..
Download Google Map app Navigate and Explore ANDROID APP.
Navigate your world faster and easier with Google Maps app. Over 220 countries and territories mapped, with many many businesses and places on the map. Get real-time GPS navigation, traffic and conveyance info, and explore local neighbourhoods knowing where to eat, drink and go - regardless of what a part of the planet you’re in.
Get there faster with time updates• Beat traffic with real-time ETAs and traffic.
• Catch your bus, train or lift-share with real-time conveyance info
• Save time with automatic rerouting supported live traffic, incidents and road closures

Discover places and explore like a local::
Discover local restaurants, events and activities that interest you
See what’s trending and new places that are opening within the areas you care about
Decide more confidently with “Your match”, variety representing how likely you're to love an area
More experiences on Google Maps• Offline maps to look and navigate without an online connection
Indoor maps to quickly find your way inside big places.
find like airports, shopping centres or stadiums.

Some features not available in all countries
GETgoogle Map app from here
• Group planning made easy. Share a shortlist of options and choose real time
• Create lists of your favourite places and share with friends
• Follow must-try places recommended by local experts, Google and publishers
Discover local restaurants, events and activities that interest you
See what’s trending and new places that are opening within the areas you care about
Decide more confidently with “Your match”, variety representing how likely you're to love an area
More experiences on Google Maps• Offline maps to look and navigate without an online connection
Indoor maps to quickly find your way inside big places.
find like airports, shopping centres or stadiums.
Mission Statement
પ્રિન્ટ કરીને વર્ગમાં લગાવી શકાય તેવા ધોરણ વાઇઝ સમયપત્રક ડાઉનલોડ કરો
✓ ધોરણ -3 : ડાઉનલોડ કરો
✓ ધોરણ -4 : ડાઉનલોડ કરો
✓ ધોરણ -5 : ડાઉનલોડ કરો
✓ ધોરણ -6 : ડાઉનલોડ કરો
✓ ધોરણ -7 : ડાઉનલોડ કરો
✓ ધોરણ -8 : ડાઉનલોડ કરો

Some features not available in all countries
GETgoogle Map app from here
• Group planning made easy. Share a shortlist of options and choose real time
• Create lists of your favourite places and share with friends
• Follow must-try places recommended by local experts, Google and publishers
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