The Pragna approach, which started in June 2010, is expanding to more than 7,500 schools in the state from next June 2013. At the same time as the actual implementation of RTE-2009 is about to take place, the Pragya approach is becoming all-encompassing and universally accepted with a true reflection of RTE 2009. - Across the country, Pragya approach is being written as an effective model of ABL. Based on this approach, it is becoming very important for the child to get personal education, education Pragna with a subject teacher and speed based education. In order to be more effectively presented in the class under the Pragya approach, it is very important to understand the mind of the child in addition to the content of Std-1 to 4. This is covered in the present guidelines.


Shala Tatparata Saptahik Aayojan
Intelligence approach Literature introduction and classroom management are also extremely important matters. There is effective communication between the teacher and the learner during the training and the Pragya teacher effectively classes throughout the year.
Pragna 122 PDF Files
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Based on these Pragna details it can be understood that we need an approach in which ... the student learns on his own. The student learning process offers the opportunity for peer learning. The student learns through activity. The student learns at his own pace. The student-centered process becomes enforceable. Pragna The student develops holistically. The student strives to learn on his own. We have been striving to ensure that students get an active and enjoyable education based on our above questions and specific approach. Pragya is the approach to acquiring knowledge Pragna through activity. Cognition is the approach to learning through activity with continuous and holistic evaluation. This Pragna approach is taught by dividing into different groups for learning.
Purpose pragna of knowledge through activity: Every child gets quality education. Evaluating children's achievement - can be therapeutic. Uses MGML (Multigrade Multilevel) content. Everyone has the same opportunity to learn at different levels. Make appropriate changes based on self-assessment. Teachers, principals ... parents should be aware of the child's progress. pragna The child is interested in learning.
STD 1 - 2 Masvar Ayojan
Pragna TLM List Std 1
Pragna TLM List Std 2
Pragna Abhigam
Pragna Samay Patrak
Pragna Samuh Kary 1-2 Maths
Pragna Samuh Kary 1-2 Gujarati
Rangeen VanchanCard
1-2 Adhyayan Nishpatio
Pragna Dainik Aayojan
Haldoll: pragna The teacher's teaching Pragna practice is an important factor when working with students. If the logical sequence of teaching matters is properly arranged by the teacher in the classroom, then the teaching practice goes smoothly. Here the teaching practice is put by an example of a unit. Considering the activity-oriented, student-centered and capacity-oriented approach, a unit can be introduced as follows. Standard - 4 Subject - Gujarati Unit - Stories of Panchatantra Ideal reading and presentation of the unit by Sopa's teacher. Step 2: Ascending and descending of the unit by the students. Step 3: Make two pairs of students so that one student can dictate to the other. The children answer the questions written on the board by the step teacher with the help of each other orally. Le stair activity
PRAGNA Excel File
Std 1 Parinam
Std 2 Parinam
Pragna Profile Excel
In pragna approach .. activity oriented and student centered teaching work is done. The same point of learning is to learn from different methods. Students go through different stages of study to learn the same point. Such as - new concept teaching by the teacher, doing activities, learning from materials, working as per the need of classmate teaching, dedication, self-study and evaluation etc. Gradual learning skills such as listening, speaking, reading and writing are maintained. Listening-Reading includes different things like comprehension, understanding, application, creativity etc.
Pragna Sahity SSA Website Click Here
Evaluation and remedial work takes place at the end of each milestone. (SCE) is a child psychology wise ladder so that the pragya approach is child friendly. 'Learning how to learn and education is the creator of knowledge, not enjoyment. The importance of such RTE is nurtured
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