Check Your name in Gujarat voter list. 2022
However, this must be done a minimum of 10 days before the election in order that any sort of error are often corrected as soon as possible. Once the elections are close to begin, no alterations are allowed.
In view of the approaching general elections, the committee of India has strengthened its Voter Help Line to form it easier for voters to get authentic information associated with their voter registration. The range of services provided by the amount 1950 helpline has been renewed and made easily accessible.
Voters registered within the Electoral Census can verify the small print of their personal information, the Voting Table scheduled for them to go to on polling day and know Along an equivalent lines, services through SMS also can be employed by citizens by sending SMS at no cost until 1950.
Gujarat Voter List 2021-22 PDF
Since the mere possession of the EPIC Card isn't enough for voters, but their names must even be on the electoral roll to permit them to cast their vote on voting day, it's necessary for citizens/voters to verify that their names appear on the electoral rolls. If any correction is required , they will submit Form 8 for the required correction online through NVSP or via the mobile app or a tough copy to the respective ERO offices. Also, if their addresses are changed within the part, they need to submit Form 8A on an equivalent lines as above.

It is also clarified that each one these services are often obtained directly or from the concerned officials appointed by the committee of India. ECI has not authorized any intermediary to supply these services.
Download CEO Gujarat voter list online and appearance up your name in Gujarat Voter Register PDF. Here we offer the 2020 CEO Gujarat Voter List online by name, EPIC No and by district / area or wise constituent assembly.
How to check if your name is on Gujarat Online voter list
Having a voter identification card isn't enough for an individual to be eligible to choose an election in India. the person must check whether her name is present on the voters list or not. Now, the electoral commission has made it possible for an individual to verify their name on the web voter list. Just follow the steps mentioned below:
Official Website Click Here
Check Name In Gujarat Election Voter List Click Here
Check Name National Voter’s Service Portal Click Here
After visiting the web site , you'll search your name on the voter list using two methods.
How To use Voter Helpline App As a voters
Check Your Detail From nvsp Portal
The toll-free number for the National Contact Center is "1950"
NGRS Helpline Number "1950" and 1800-22-1950
National contact center operational from 8 A.M. At 8 P.M. Every business day
You can call 1950 to attach to the State Contact Center and obtain the knowledge and standing in your regional language
All general Voters who have valid EPIC
25th to 31st Jan 2021: All new electors registered
during special summary revision 2020
1st Feb 2021 onwards: All General electors.

Features of App
Voter ID card check
Voter ID card download
VOTER ID CARD - Download your voter Id Card from National Voter Portal with provide some basic details and know your exact your voter card with none hesitation. this is often the simplest app for download digital voter card.
Search Your Name - voter List
Check List in Gujarat
Download official app
How To Download e-EPIC Card?
Citizen can Download e-EPIC From
Vote Helpline Mobile app
Download Detail From Here.

The form numbers along with the purposes are given below for your reference:
Form 6 - Application for Add New Name in electoral roll
Form 7 - Application form for objection to include a name in electoral roll
Form 8 - Application form for correction of details in electoral roll
Form 8 A - Application form for transposition of an entry in the electoral roll
To make the process of voting smooth and to ensure that every eligible citizen gets a chance to vote, the Government of India came up with the Voter ID cards in 1993. Now, Voter ID cards have been shaped to EPIC - Electoral Photo Identity Cards.

How To search your name In voter List Guajrat :
First Open official gujarat Government site
Then fin Search name in voter List Tab
Then Select one from following option
Corporation/Nagarpalika/Taluka-district Panchayat
then entre Your Name or epic card no.
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