The health benefits of honey and its various uses

The health benefits of honey and its various uses

The health benefits of honey and its various uses

Honey :-

Ayurveda believes that if honey is consumed daily, it helps a lot in keeping the body fit. Maintains strength and eliminates fatigue..

Honey is considered to be very useful for many types of physical disorders, let's learn about some of the delicious properties of honey and some of the traditional remedies associated with it.

Use pure and natural honey without any processing or preservatives

The benefits of honey::

Health benefits

# 1. Honey is good for your blood

Honey affects the body differently depending on how you use it. If warm water and honey are mixed and drunk, it has a beneficial effect on the count of red blood cells (RBCs) in the blood. RBCs are primarily responsible for carrying oxygen in the blood to different parts of the body. A mixture of hot water with honey increases the amount of hemoglobin in the blood which helps in maintaining a low blood pressure. Iron deficiency anemia is a condition in which the diet or absorption of blood is incomplete and hence the oxygen capacity of the blood is compromised. Decreased oxygen carrying capacity leads to fatigue, respiratory and sometimes depression and other problems. Honey can avoid these issues by building up the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood.

Building the level of oxygen in the blood is extremely important because how healthy the body is and how easily it regenerates depends on the level of oxygen in the blood. Preliminary research has shown a positive effect of honey on hypertension or high blood pressure. Honey is also traditionally used to reduce the effects of hypotension or low blood pressure.

There is some preliminary evidence that honey can reduce white blood cell (WBC) levels in chemotherapy patients. In a small-scale experiment, 90% of patients at low risk of WBC count did not have a recurrence of the problem after drinking two teaspoons of therapeutic honey daily during chemotherapy.

#. Honey is safer than sugar

Much has been said about the negative effects of white sugar on the body. Honey is a great substitute that is also safe to use as a sweetener. Although honey contains simple sugars in chemical makeup, it is very different from white sugar in that it contains 90% glucose and 50% fructose.

અહીંથી વાંચો મધ ના ફાયદા અને બીજી તમામ માહિતી

અહીંથી વાંચો સંપુર્ણ ગુજરાતી રીપોર્ટ

વધુ માહિતી માટે આ પણ વાંચો

Monosaccharide or plain sugar - 50% with other complex sugars. Honey also contains dextrin, starchy fiber. This compound helps the body to regulate blood sugar levels.

#. Honey is good for yoga trainees

For those who practice yoga, the use of honey balances blood chemistry and is especially recommended. Regular consumption of honey makes the system more dynamic. The system can be started by taking a little honey with warm water in the morning before the start of training.

#. Honey is antibacterial and antiseptic

Carrying forward the increase in honey consumption is a beneficial antioxidant representative, stimulates antibodies and counteracts harmful microbial activities. Some studies have also focused on honey in wound healing. According to one study therapeutic honey was purified which destroyed all species of bacteria in the wounds of study participants. In another study, wounds and foot ulcers were studied for 9 patients, 90% of whom did not respond to conventional treatment, with raw honey. All but one patient showed improvement in their wounds. Additionally, infected wounds became sterile within a week of applying honey.

In traditional medicine, one of the health benefits of honey includes the treatment of respiratory infections. Daily consumption of honey is used to get rid of problems like excessive mucus and asthma.

Clinical research has also shown that medical grade honey can kill foodborne illnesses such as ascites, coli and salmonella. Madhe has also shown promise to fight bacterial strains, which have increased resistance to antibiotics. Research has shown that honey is effective against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Honey fights infections on many levels making it difficult for germs to develop resistance to it. Antibiotics, in contrast, usually target bacteria when they grow and give them a chance to develop resistance. It is found that honey, also known as quorum sensing, disrupts the bacterial pathogens and allows antibiotics to be effective.

#. Honey is an energy food

One of the important uses of honey in traditional medicine is for immediate energy boosting. As suggested above, honey contains a wide variety of sugar molecules, especially glucose and fructose. However, in contrast to white sugar, where fructose and glucose are combined as sucrose and require additional steps in the digestive process, in honey, these two sugars are different. Thus glucose acts as an instant energy source.

The United States National Honey Board recommends the use of honey because it contains a lot of vitamins and minerals. One of these is a list of: niacin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium and zinc.

#. Honey helps in digestion

Honey helps reduce constipation, bloating and gas and thanks to it it causes mild diarrhea. Honey contains probiotic or “friendly” bacteria such as bifido bacteria and lactobacilli, which aid digestion, promote immune system health and reduce allergies. The use of honey in place of table sugar has reduced the toxic effects of mycotoxins produced by fungi in the gut.

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