FIT India Quiz Admit Card 2021 |
FIT India Quiz Admit Card 2021 According to the letter on the above subject and reference, Fit India in school children From across the country to further the message of the movement and increase its effectiveness in schools A “Fit India Quiz” has been organized to involve school children. According to which The maximum number of school children from across the state is registered. According to the above mentioned letter, the children of the schools in the “Fit India Quiz” Registration has been done for them. In this regard, children’s Admit Card Hall Ticket (Ft. India Quiz from 01.11.2021)The NTA website can be downloaded from Fit India Official Website. In view of the above, all the schools in your district should be immediately shifted from your level Reporting is requested.

FIT India Quiz Admit Card 2021 The Preliminary round of Fit India Quiz 2021 was initially scheduled to be held on 29.10.2021 by National Testing Agency (NTA) in the online mode. Pursuant to requests from the aspirants and to ensure larger participation, the last date for submission of application forms for the Fit India Quiz 2021, was extended to 15.10.2021 vide Public Notice dated 29.09.2021 hosted on view of the above-mentioned extension of last date,
FIT India Quiz Admit Card 2021 it has now been decided to reschedule the Preliminary round of the Fit India Quiz 2021.It is hereby informed that the Preliminary round of the Fit India Quiz 2021 will be held in multiple sessions on 23-24 December 2021.Candidates are advised to take note of the above and act accordingly. The date, timing and other modalities of participating in the online test will be communicated to the candidates vide their Admit Card which will be hosted on the above mentioned website shortly. Schools/ Candidates are advised to be in touch with the NTA website for updates regarding the
Organization Name –National Testing Agency (NTA)
Name of the Exam- Preliminary round of Fit India Quiz 2021
FIT India Pre Exam Date- 23/12/2021 & 24/12/2021
How to check FIT India Quiz Admit Card 2021 ?
Step I: Open the official website of link given in below.
Step 2: Click on Admit Card 2021.
Step 3: Enter your required details.
Step 4: Click on submit button.
Step 5: The admit card will appear on the screen.
Step 6: Save it and take a print copy for next usage.
ફીટ ઇન્ડિયા ક્વીઝ અંતર્ગત બીજી પ્રિલિમિનરી રાઉન્ડમાં ભાગ લેવા બાબત લેટેસ્ટ પરિપત્ર 👈🆕
👉Then sign up by clicking on the other option shown above the register
👉After signing up and filling in the required details, attach and upload a photograph of the event
Paripatr - CLICK HERE
SOP fit india freedom - CLICK HERE
ફિટ ઇન્ડિયા ક્વીઝ પેન્ડિંગ શાળાઓના રજીસ્ટ્રેશન પૂર્ણ કરવા બાબત લેટેસ્ટ પરિપત્ર
👉After filling in all the details, your pet india freedom desert certificate can be downloaded
Important Links:
પરિપત્ર – FIT INDIA અંતર્ગત હોલ ટિકિટ ડાઉનલોડ કરવા બાબત
FIT India Quiz Exam Date 2021
FIT India Quiz Hall Ticket CircularDownload
FIT India Website
FIT India School Admit Card 2021
FIT India Candidates Admit Card 2021
FIT INDIA તમામ માહિતી માટે વિડીયો જોવો
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