School Useful

School Useful

School Useful Paratha

I've read almost every book ever written by Barbara Sher. She's quite a dynamo! And she is a huge success in the world of personal growth and development. Her first book, Wishcraft, was written over 30 years ago! It's still in print today and Barbara is on the road with speaking engagements and workshops. In 2010, she'll be in Europe presenting there.

In this particular book, Refuse to Choose, she talks about "scanners" - people with multiple interests and multiple talents who simply can never decide on just one path because they are interested in so many things. Often, they feel stuck. They know that there is a point in their journey of discovery that they'll have had their questions answered and they'll be moving on to something else. They also cannot stand being bored.

The problem is not how these people are wired, but how society has changed. She explains that in da Vinci's time, people with multiple interests were revered. You can see it by the body of work he produced. I went to the exhibition on tour a few years back - the breadth of his knowledge, experiences and talent was extraordinary - I felt right at home!

Society today wants specialists - people who fit in a tidy little box with a name on it - marketing, president, doctor, lawyer, janitor, etc. If a person produces a resume with marketing, president, doctor, janitor, mechanic, artist and lawyer experience on it, people who hire or review resumes don't like it because they don't know what to do with it - it's not neat and it's not tidy - and the applicant is likely to be seen as a flake, a freak, a liar or a dreamer incapable of sticking to anything; the wealth of knowledge and experience is unappareciated.

Jack-of-all-trades used to be a good thing - now it's seen as an abnormality. Let's face it, HR is a field of specialists and are usually the people who "scan" the resumes as they come in. If the resume doesn't fit the scan, then it will automatically be rejected wthout thinking through what the person is offering. The managers often today don't really understand what the people in their department do either so any "scanner" already has the deck stacked against them when looking for a job.

There are some professions, however, which do satisfy a scanner - the trick is finding it early in your career development and understanding why you need such a career and how to manipulate that career to incorporate other interests. For instance, you might be a biophysicist but interested in art, architecture, languages, small business in third world countries and agriculture. So you would expand your "job" to include speaking engagements and cultural exchanges to various countries where your additional interests can be pursued simultaneously.

In this book, Sher reassures people who are "scanners" that it's okay to be a scanner and not only is it okay, it's a gift! A real gift! Who knew? Well, Barbara Sher did and that's why she wrote the book.

Forget about society and what society says about scanners. It's more important for scanners to appreciate their talents and find ways and means of navigating the world of specialists in order to find work which pays them money in order that they may continue their life-long quest for learning and discovering while supporting their needs for shelter, food and clothing.

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    જીવન ઉપયોગી સાહિત્ય - Jivan Upyogi Sahiyta

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    13 Jan Gan man Adhi-(Prathna) ➽ Download
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    25 Ek j de chinGaari ➽ Download
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    35 Raghupati Raghav rajaram ➽ Download
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    90 Shanti Mantra ➽ Download
    91 Nindra Mahi ➽ Download
    92 Rang Lagyo Kanaiya ➽ Download
    93 Evening Preyar ➽ Download
    94 Prayer at Bad Time ➽ Download
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          *સત્ર :- દ્વિતીય સત્ર* 

          *ધોરણ :- 3 થી 8*

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          *ધોરણ 3 થી 8 ડે to ડે આયોજન દ્વિતીય સત્ર બધા જ વિષય* (ધો 5 અપડેટ )


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Sher provides options and structure to satisfy all requirements of such a rich and rewarding life at a time in history when their abilities and capabilities are degraded and unwanted. If you have felt like a misfit, this is the book for you!

Make Prayer More Beautiful. Useful Prayer Program. Useful For All Primary School.

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Usefull Link:-
Prathana pdf copy download click here.

Bhajan pdf copy download click here

Dhoon pdf copy download click here.

Abhinay Geet pdf copy download click here .

Balgit pdf copy download click here.

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