Indias best Top 10 School

Indias best Top 10 School


Indias best Top 10 School 

These days parents are very much conscious about their children's education. And a right school will make a huge difference. The good news is that there are many different options available and one can easily choose the best private school within their locality. Similarly, with abundant options, the parents get confused not knowing what to choose. But the main motto is to make the children receive professional educational standards that build their career.

The ten tips provided here will surely help the parents to choose the right school for their children.

Budget: Before starting it is necessary to analyze the schools that fit the budget. For this one has to shortlist the schools that fit the budget before looking at other details.

Understand your child: Examine the child and understand what they require. And while selecting a particular school it gives an idea to focus on particular things.

Emotional guidance: It is important to meet every child's emotional needs and proceed according to the Behaviour management strategies. In fact, this is the key to choose the right school for the child.

Diversity: Make sure to consider a diversity of the schools as the experts say that the parents should ensure that the teachers and staff are sensitive to cultural issues. And then the child will build up awareness and respectful of different values.

Know the approach: The next important it is to understand the child's learning needs. This can be examined by assisting the approach of the teaching staff and how they teach.

Location: Imagine driving a couple of hours to school is a restless job. So if the school is within the locality, then the children may feel rejuvenated.

Safety: As safety is the first priority the parents look for Schools because they are completely safe for their children.

Size of the school: The size of the School has a very strong impact on the individuals. Even if it is a small school with a more personal attitude or a big one with more opportunities. The parents should choose the environment of the school that suits their child.

Academic progress offered: Each and every parent should understand the academic background of the school. The Best CBSE School takes the primary step to building a strong foundation for the children.

Extracurricular activities: It is vital for the students to get involved in extracurricular activities. The activities are also a part of the study that will boost up their immune system and keep them sharp and fresh minded.

To promote the all-round development of the students, OPG World School has been designed to offer latest equipment and facilities including healthcare, sports, excursion trips etc.

A child may excel in her academics or be brilliant in playing sports. But acquiring creativity is the most difficult and depends on a lot of things. We value creativity in music, technology, art, entertainment, etc. Creativity is yearned for because it beautifies every presentation and makes it easier for us to understand.

Creativity depends on the imaginative power of a person. The more the person imagines, the more creativity will flow out from his head. It exercises every brain cell and makes them active. History has proved how imagining creative things have led to the greatest innovations in the future.

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Creativity in Schools

વીડિયો જોવા માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો

Most of the public schools in our country run like a machinery factory producing students at the end of the day with a degree stamp on their result. If this mechanical process of learning of the public schools is not aligned with global schools, it will hamper the student's present and future.

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There is always space for a little creativity in the boundary of classrooms. But most classes work on the historical processes of a teacher teaching the books assigned as per the students' curriculum and not going beyond that. This is not anyone's fault since this has been an age-long ongoing process. In the present day, to make learning more interactive and interesting, teachers can shape their curriculum to allow the students to voice their creativity in front of their peers.

Here are four things that will help the teachers to set up a creative curriculum for their students in their classrooms:

Setting up activities according to the students' academic syllabus will make the students explore their creativity in relevant ways.

After a student come up with his creative answers, demotivating them if they say something wrong is not right. All students like to be rewarded with compliments for their hard works.

Other than academics, schools should also focus on teaching extra-curricular activities. This will bring out the creative talents of many other students who do not necessarily excel in academics but are brilliant in their fieldwork.

All barriers to creativity should be done away with, which will give the students space and freedom to flow their creative juices however they want.

At the beginning, this new method of learning will confuse the students a bit, but with time they will easily cope-up with this framework and enjoy schooling more than ever.

Imagination and creativity are the traits of influencing the future. Both of them inspire students to be integrated with the process of learning and their fields of interests. After all, all educators' main motive should be to teach the students how to think and always to think in the right direction in every situation.

In the present world, the value of creativity is very high, topping the list of most valued skills. In developing a student's creative skill, parents' roles are as important as a teacher's since they are the ones that children look up to the most and gain confidence from.

Shri Ram Global School is one of the best creative schools in Greater Noida that helps every student work their creative minds the most and provide world-class education and activities to its students.

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