EDUCATION FOR ALL, Useful educational activities for students
The Education for All National Report provides information on the current state of education in India in the face of India's EFA program, working methods and objectives.

The Government of India provides information on the state of education in the state, national policy and statistics to the Department of Education.
The National Institute of Educational Planning (NIEPA) provides training materials, articles, related information and upcoming educational programs.
The National University of Educational Planning and Administration (NUEPA), National Council for Educational Research and Training (NCERT) surveys, among other things, provides information on girls' education and full education.
The National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) offers memorable key dates. Such as last date for filling up online admission form etc. Students can view information about their admission online from the number given to them. Apart from information about many other things, the method of assessment also provides information about the vocational education program and other related services.
Global services / equipment
International Institute for Education Planning (IIEP): Educational planning and management system that provides information on training programs, research and online publications under IIEP.
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
The United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization's (UNESCO) Education Information Service: Provides information on the organization's educational programs and publications. It connects to other educational servers on the Internet and also to other educational partners with UNESCO. This site is very informative and new information is posted from time to time.
Dwarkadhish Mandir Live Darshan
Dwarkadhish Mandir Live Darshan
Dwarkadhish Temple
In the middle of the town is the Dwarkadish Temple, which was built in the 16th century. Dwarkadish is another name of Lord Krishna that means the "Lord of Dwarka". The five-story high temple is built on seventy-two pillars. The temple spire is 78.3m (235 feet) high. From the temple dome waves an eighty-four foot long multicolored flag decorated with the symbols of the sun and moon. Lord Krishna's grandson, Vajranabha, is said to have built the original temple of Dwarkadhish over the hari-griha (Lord Krishna's residential place).
The sanctum of the temple is formed by the Jagat Mandir, or Nija Mandir, which dates back at least 2500 years. The Jagat Mandir has a tall tower and a hall of audience.
There are two entrances to the temple. The main entrance (north entrance) is called "Moksa Dwara" (Door to Salvation). This entrance leads to the main market. The south entrance is called 'Swarga Dwara" (Gate to Heaven). Outside this doorway are 56 steps that lead to the Gomati River. The audience hail has both ancient and fairly modern sculptures.
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youtube પર લાઇવ દર્શન અહિંથી કરો
શામળાજી મંદિર ના દર્શન કરવા અહીં ક્લિક કરો
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Presently Available Live Darshan:

Teaching and Learning for a Sustainable Futurea multimedia teacher education program
Education for All Forum EFA: Provides information on country reports and trends, special publications, EFA reports and upcoming meetings as well as conventions.
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

EFA Global Monitoring Report 2007: Despite progress since 2000, millions of children, youth and adults are still deprived of a good education and the benefits of exhaustion.

Due to this inequality, the progress of Sarva Shikshan Abhiyan is hampered by 2019. What are these individuals and groups? What obstacles do they face? How can government policy break this cycle of poverty and adversity? What policies and laws seem to work? Is change in education included in this big panel? Is the International Committee working exactly on its promises? Are some of these issues covered in the report?
Education For All Global Monitoring Report
United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF): The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF): Provides information about children around the world in the form of multimedia. It also includes educational activities and resources for students.
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
UNICEF's State of the World's Children's Report 2009: This report provides information on the current living conditions of children and healthcare for mothers, newborns and children. It provides information on force health care experiences over the past few years and the most effective and important issues to prevent infant mortality, as well as health care for mothers, newborns and children.
Click here
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
The World Bank's Education Microsite: Ahiya Purepura World Bank Publications, Educational Resources and Toolkits, World Bank Education - In Childhood Sharia Years, Gender, Effective Schools and Teachers, Adult Education and School Health, Educational Statistics Many countries' educational approaches, regional information and more Provides details about all relevant information.
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
The World Bank's Education Microsite: Ahiya Purepura World Bank Publications, Educational Resources and Toolkits, World Bank Education - In Childhood Sharia Years, Gender, Effective Schools and Teachers, Adult Education and School Health, Educational Statistics Many countries' educational approaches, regional information and more Provides details about all relevant information.
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