UDISE+ 2021-22 Ni Kamgiri Karva Babat Paripatra | UDISE Plus 2021 Entry Information By Ss
UDISE+ 2021-22 Ni Kamgiri Karva Babat Paripatra | UDISE Plus 2021 Entry
UDISE+ (UDISE plus) is an updated and improved version of UDISE. The entire system will be online and will gradually move towards collecting data in real time. Data from 2018-19 will be collected through this software.
When it comes to insurance policies, there are several that one can pick from. There are life insurance policies, retirement policies, investment policies, term policies, among many other categories. Every policy has its features, objectives, benefits to count. One such policy category is the children's policies.
Everyone wants their kids to have a bright and financially safe future. For this, parents tend to save and work hard for years. As the cost of almost everything is constantly on the rise, it is important to have proper funds to pay college fees and even their marriage cost. This is the reason why one should think of investing in a good child insurance policy.
There are various insurance policies out there, which are designed to help secure the future of the child with timely benefits.
But as there are several policies, finding the right one may be a bit of a hassle. One should always take help from the experts and the people who have insurance knowledge.

UDISE Code : Overview
A unique UDISE code is given to every school that gets onboarded on the UDISE+ platform,with the school details captured through online DCF (Data Capture Form). The code acts as a unique identifier for all such recognized and unrecognized schools imparting formal education from pre-primary to XII, onboarded on UDISE+ platform.
The 11-digit UDISE code acts as a unique identifier for all the recognized and unrecognized schools imparting formal education from pre-primary to XII, onboarded on UDISE+ platform.
UDISE code is associated with school which has a lifecycle from opening to closure. UDISE code also follows the similar lifecycle. It has four stages:
1. UDISE code generation
2. Modification in school details
3. Change in UDISE status
4. Permanent Closure of School
UDISE code is permanent in nature and once assigned to a specific school, and the UDISE code becomes permanent for a school. The UDISE code can be changed manually by the centre only when the district or state of a school changes.
In the current UDISE+, UDISE code once generated shall be strictly allocated to single school only. Even in case of permanently closed schools, UDISE code would be archived.
Getting UDISE Code
Every school in the country is given a unique UDISE code. If a new school is established, the school needs to get a UDISE code for establishing their unique identity. School should undertake the following steps:
The school user should approach district MIS officer with requisite documentation especially recognition letter of the school. This is applicable for both recognized and unrecognized schools.
District MIS user will apply for UDISE code through the “School Directory Management” in the UDISE+ system and the request would flow to the state MIS user for approval
State MIS user will verify the application and request for any clarification to district level. State level user is the sole authority for approval of UDISE code generation for the school.
Once verification gets completed at state MIS level, the application is sent to Ministry of Education for UDISE code generation.
The UDISE code generation process takes approx. a week to get completed
About UDISE+
Timely and accurate data is the basis of sound and effective planning and decision-making. Towards this end, the establishment of a well-functioning and Sustainable Educational Management Information System is of utmost importance today.
Unified District Information System for Education (UDISE) initiated in 2012-13 integrating DISE for elementary education and SEMIS for secondary education is one of the largest Management Information Systems on School Education covering more than 1.5 million schools, 8.5 million teachers and 250 million children.
UDISE+ (UDISE plus) is an updated and improved version of UDISE. The entire system will be online and will gradually move towards collecting data in real time. Data from 2018-19 will be collected through this software.
It will improve the quality and credibility of the data provided thereby making it analysis more robust and accurate . With the introduction of this system it will be easier for the States and UTs to monitor the progress of the schools and to reduce the time taken in data collection and analysis.
Contact UDISE Plus
Ministry of Education, Department of School Education Shastri Bhawan New Delhi - 110001
Queries Related to DCF
E-Mail : mistsg123[at]gmail[dot]com
Phone : (011) 23765605(Extn.104)
Technical Queries
E-Mail: udiseplus-mhrd[at]gov[dot]in
Phone : (011) 24305000 (Extn. 65409) / (011) 24305493
Whatsapp : 9873962141,9711059824,9612780650
Website Information Manager
E-Mail: udiseplus-mhrd[at]gov[dot]in
Phone : (011) 24305000 (Extn. 65409) / (011) 24305493
Whatsapp : 9873962141,9711059824,9612780650
Official Website udiseplus.gov.in/udiseplus

Official Website https://udiseplus.gov.in/udiseplus/
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) UDISE Plus :
Q: What is the procedure to reassign new Codes in UDISE+ if there is a new district formed?
Ans: UDISE+ Code is 11 digits code that with the first two digits representing the State and the following two digits representing the District. As change in UDISE+ Code has implication at all levels of U- DISE management, data collection, entry, analysis and utilization, it should be managed efficiently so that all measures are taken to ensure its uniformity in all stages of data management. The U- DISE State Coordinators of SSA and RMSA are responsible for managing the changes to UDISE+ Codes for Schools in event of creation of the new district.
Q: Do we need to fill DCF for Schools closed by the administration?
Ans: UDISE+ information should be provided for all formal schools that are presently providing education to children. No, UDISE+ information should not be collected for schools that have been closed. However, it is recommended that such schools should be marked CLOSED in the software while making the data entry. Other-wise such schools may give a wrong impression of school without enrolment, teachers etc.
Q: Which schools are supposed to be covered under DISE?
Ans: All the recognized schools imparting elementary education are supposed to be covered under DISE. It may include schools teaching following classes
Star From Class 1 to class 5
Star From Class 1 to class 8
Star From Class 1 to class 10/12
Star From Class 6 to class 8
From Class 6 to class 10/12
All Schools under Department of Education, Tribal or Social Welfare Department, Local body, Private. Aided and Private Unaided are supposed to be covered under DISE.
Q: Can data entry be undertaken at Block levels?
Ans: Yes, if a computer and a trained Data Entry Operator (on DISE) is available, the data entry could also be arranged at the Block level.
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