UIDAI-Now you can manually update your name, address, date of birth in the online Aadhaar card at home.
Now you can manually update your name, address, date of birth in the online Aadhaar card at home.
UIDAI has revealed the required number, save it in the phone and all the troubles will be removed in a pinch

હવે તમે ઘરે જાતેજ ઓનલાઇન આધારકાર્ડમાં તમારું નામ, સરનામું, જન્મ તારીખ અપડેટ કરી શકો છો.
Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) provides the facility to update the address of Aadhaar card holders without any proof.
Registered mobile number is mandatory for Online Aadhaar Update Request. You will receive OTP for Aadhaar Authentication in your registered mobile.
Note: For other updates like Head of Family/Guardian details or Biometric update, resident will be required to visit Aadhaar Seva Kendra or Enrolment/Update Centre.
Aadhaar card is one of the important documents. Which is used in many other things related to opening a bank account, filing income tax returns. If you are changing your house, then you have to update the address. But sometimes you may get upset due to lack of proper documents. But you don't have to worry. Now you can do this through online medium. Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) provides the facility to update the address of Aadhaar card holders without any proof.
In view of the Kovid-19 epidemic, UIDAI has announced a major update that people can now get Aadhaar updated via online through their home. For this you do not need to go to the base center. UIDAI tweeted and wrote, "Now you can update your name, address, date of birth and gender on the UIDAI website sitting at home, click on
➜ POI (Proof of Identity) documents containing Name and Photo : (આધારકાર્ડ અપડેટ માટે જરૂરી આધારો.)
PAN Card
Ration/ PDS Photo Card
Voter ID
Driving License
Government Photo ID Cards/ Service photo identity card issued by PSU
NREGS Job Card
Photo ID issued by Recognized Educational Institution
Arms License
Photo Bank ATM Card
Photo Credit Card
Pensioner Photo Card
Freedom Fighter Photo Card
Kissan Photo Passbook
CGHS/ ECHS Photo Card
Address Card having Name and Photo issued by Department of Posts
Certificate of Identity having photo issued by Gazetted Officer or Tehsildar on UIDAI standard certificate format for enrolment/ update
Disability ID Card/ handicapped medical certificate issued by the respective State/ UT Governments/ Administrations
Bhamashah Card/Jan-Aadhaar card issued by Govt. of Rajasthan
Certificate from Superintendent/ Warden/ Matron/ Head of Institution of recognized shelter homes or orphanages etc. on UIDAI standard certificate format for enrolment/ update
Certificate of Identity having photo issued by MP or MLA or MLC or Municipal Councilor on UIDAI standard certificate format for enrolment/ update
Certificate of Identity having photo issued by Village Panchayat Head or Mukhiya or its equivalent authority (for rural areas) on UIDAI standard certificate format for enrolment/ update
Gazette notification for name change
Marriage certificate with photograph
SSLC book having candidates photograph
ST/ SC/ OBC certificate with photograph
School Leaving Certificate (SLC)/ School Transfer Certificate (TC), containing name and photograph
Extract of School Records issued by Head of School containing name and photograph
Bank Pass Book having name and photograph
Certificate of Identity containing name and photo issued by Recognized Educational Institution signed by Head of Institute on UIDAI standard certificate format for enrolment/ update.
Certificate of identity containing Name, DOB and Photograph issued by Employees¦ Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) on UIDAI standard certificate format for enrolment/update
➜ Know more about Online Aadhaar Data Update :: (કયા સુધારા કરી શકાય?)
What Aadhaar Data can be updated Online ?
Following Demographic Data can be updated online.
Date of Birth
*For other updates like Head of Family/Guardian details or Biometric update, resident will be required to visit Aadhaar Seva Kendra or Enrolment/Update Centre
➜ An applicant can change the address, name, date of birth, gender, mobile number and e-mail ID on the Aadhaar card. To update / change / correct your address on Aadhaar card, you need to follow these steps: ( આ સ્ટેપને અનુશરો)
Step 1: Visit Aadhaar Self Service Update Portal i.e. https://ssup.uidai.gov.in/ssup/.
Step 2: If you have proof of valid address, click on "Proceed to Update Address". Visit the Aadhaar Self Service Update Portal on the UIDAI website.
Step 3: In case you do not have proof of valid address, click on "Request for Address Certificate".
Step 4: In a new window (https://ssup.uidai.gov.in/ssupAddressPin/pinGenerate.html), enter your 12-digit base number or 16-digit number Virtual ID.

Step 5: Enter the CAPTCHA verification code from the box provided.
Step 6: Now, click on ‘Send OTP’, which will be sent to your registered mobile number.
Step 7: Alternatively, you can use the TOTP feature to authenticate
Step 8: Click on ‘Login’ button.
Step 9: Now, click on 'Update Address via Address Proof' or 'Update Address Via Secret Code'.

Step 10: Now, fill in all the details that need to be corrected and write the full address while fixing it.
Issues of any zip code and related data (State / District / Village / Town / City / Post Office), you can contact the contact center of UIDAI at help@uidai.gov.in.
If you want to include the name of the parent / spouse as part of the address, select the Address Correction option. Then select the appropriate box in the C / O details and enter the name of the person in the next field. C / o details can be updated as part of the address update.
Fill in the full address and upload all supporting po even if you just want to update / correct the C / o details.
Step 11: Now, upload the original color scanned copies of your POA documents.
Step 12: Preview the data entered in English and local languages as well.
Step 13: Now submit the request. You must note your Update Request Number (URN) to find out the status of your support update.
Note: You can also download / print your acceptance copy.
➜ How many times Aadhaar data can be Updated?
Name: Twice in Life Time
Gender: Once in Life Time
Date of Birth : Once in life time subject to condition that present status of the D0B is declared/approximate. (Change in Date of Birth can be updated only for unverified DoB.
➜ What document is required for Online Updates?
Each of the data type update requires following Verification Requirements.
For Name : Scanned copy of Poof of Identity (POI)
For Date of Birth : Scanned copy of Poof of Date of Birth
For Gender: OTP authentication via mobile/Face Auth
For Address : Scanned copy of Poof of Address (POA)*.
For Language : Not Required
* Resident can update address even if they do not possess POA document by requesting for .
➜ I want a new name. Can I change it completely in my Aadhaar?
You can update your name if the change is minor and includes :
Spell correction phonetically same
Sequence change
Short form to full form
Name change after marriage
and sit at home base Get it updated.
🔻 આધારકાર્ડ સુધારવા નીચેની લિંક પર ક્લીક કરો⤵️
➜ How to update Aadhaar card details by post. (પોસ્ટથી આધારકાર્ડ અપડેટ)
You can update your support details offline by sending a post request to UIDAI. The steps involved in this process are:
Download "Support Data Update / Correction Form" online
Fill in the required details to change in your Aadhaar card.
Obtain photocopies of documents acknowledging changes to the form requested.
Send the form with self-certified documents to the following postal address:
🔻 Address 1: UIDAI
Post Box No. 10,
Madhya Pradesh - 480001,
🔻 Address 2: UIDAI
Post Box No. 99,
Banjara Hills,
Hyderabad - 500034,
Watch this video for step-by-step tutorial on how to update your address in Aadhaar. You can update your address online from: https://ssup.uidai.gov.in/ssup/ Check the list of Valid Address Proofs acceptable for this update: https://ssup.uidai.gov.in/ssup/login....
If you don't have an address proof in your name, use:
⇛ ઉપરોક્ત તમામ અપડેટ કરવા આપનો મોબાઈલ નંબર આધારકાર્ડ સાથે લીંક કરેલ હોવો જરૂરી છે. જો મોબાઈલ નંબર oખાતરી કરવી.
⇛ To update all the above, your mobile number needs to be linked with Aadhaar card. If the mobile number is not linked to the Aadhaar card, go to the nearest Aadhaar center and get it linked.
⇛ Check and confirm all the above information on the official site.
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