Regarding the addition of vacancies in the non-government aided secondary schools under the year of Education Assistant Recruitment Year

Regarding the addition of vacancies in the non-government aided secondary schools under the year of Education Assistant Recruitment Year


Regarding the addition of vacancies in the non-government aided secondary schools under the year of Education Assistant Recruitment Year 

The school must be clean, there should be proper arrangement of drinking water and hand washing water. Hand washing will have to be arranged. School toilets need to be cleaned 2-3 times a day to keep them clean. Maintain a two-foot seating distance between children. Uniforms, shoes and socks are not mandatory. Will be able to attend wearing normal clothes, shoes and slippers. Depending on the number of children, schools can be run in two shifts. Get important subjects studied in school, give homework for other subjects. Screening for children at the main door, sanitizer to keep hands clean. Washing hands before meals is mandatory. No bus or school vehicle will be allowed to drive every day without hygiene rules and certification. The seating arrangement in the bus has to be kept six feet away.

The teacher will give the students simple instructions like stand up. Immediately the teacher will say let’s sit down and all the students including the teacher will sit down.Priamry teacher related all news available in this website 

Subject: Regarding the addition of vacancies in the non-government aided secondary schools under the year of Education Assistant Recruitment Year 

2091 Reference - Letter No. of the office here: Madhya / Gh / Anand-1/2031/512 6-9 dated 08/12/21 Mr., above To state the subject and context that the details of the vacant posts under the control of your district under the Education Assistant Recruitment Process Year 2061 in the non-government aided secondary schools of the State have been sent to you with our corrections. In addition to the vacancies of non-government aided secondary schools sent by you earlier, Ta. Details of vacancies of Education Assistants arising out of retirement, resignation or other reasons as on 31/07/91, for which the roster register of the school concerned has been certified, details of vacancies of Education Assistants in non-government aided secondary schools arising out of this. Considering the following instructions in Sample Form-A with a knowledgeable employee / officer of your office. Shri Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Vidyamandir, Sector-2, Gandhinagar on 5/09/4 1 is asked to send in person from 10:30 am to 3:00 pm and if the information is 1p, the form of zero information is e-- Mail, you have to inform the head office telephonically about this. 

TAT Bharti Shixan sahayak bharti Secondary School Jagyao vacancies gserc.i

Total vacancies as on 19-11-2020

TAT Bharti For TAT Exam pass candidate is coming soon in few days by education department of Gujarat.


Education Department Of gujarat Goind To Declared TAT bharti At All TAT Pass Candidate Waiting For TAT Bharti at . In nearest future TAT Bharti will Official Declared in all News papers and official website Declared Teachers Recruitment As Follo:

Analysis Of TAT Shixan Sahayak Bharti 2020 Vacancies:: 

TAT Bharti 2019 government Secondary School Vacancies:: 

TAT bharti For English Subject :: 408 posts
TAT bharti For Gujarati Subject:: 64 posts
TAT bharti For Hindi Subject:: 19 posts
TAT bharti For Maths Science Subject:: 484 posts
TAT bharti For PT Teacher :: 6 posts
TAT bharti For Sanskrit Subject:: 10 posts
TAT bharti For Social science TEacher:: 377 posts

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Government Secondary Recruitment- 


Vacancies in GSERC Shikshan Sahayak Posts 2020-21 Online Application Form Vigyapti

GRANTED SECONDARY Shixan sahayak Bharti.

નવી જગ્યા ઉમેરવા માટે લેટર-ગ્રાન્ટેડ માધ્યમિક.pdfKindnesss Instructions - Is Addition Vacancy Roster Certified? Sending a vacancy to add only after checking it, you will not have to add any vacancy in the fifth round from your level. - Name according to the details of vacancies, to submit the details only after studying the relevant interim / final judgments of the High Court. So that there is no question of disrespect to the name, High Court, - Before submitting the new vacancies to be added, check the vacancies of the non-government subsidized secondary department on the website with your insistence, so that the question of duplicate vacancies is solved. . Galiw

The teacher will take a paper and also give the Tevaj paper to the students.
Teacher let’s fold the paper. (He will do it himself.)
Students will do as instructed. Thus two to three processes will be done with the example. (The teacher will first rehearse such simple instructions.)
The whole process of making a paper boat will be done by the teacher speaking and processing. Students will also follow this process. Students will work in pairs (one student will speak the process and the other student will build a paper boat accordingly.) The teacher will recite the paragraphs, dialogues and descriptions in the exercise or unit while running the prose.



Create a group of students and ask them to dictate in a group.

The teacher will put examples of different patterns on the board.
Write words, sentences including the error of this pattern on the board.
The teacher will ask the students to find the error. He will then ask you to write the words or sentences in his notebook.
E.g. I did buy a new car.
The above sentence will be written by the teacher on the board. Will read it. Will ask to find out what is irrational in it. After receiving the answer, he will correct the sentence and ask him to write it.
The teacher will describe the incident / story.
Who speaks this sentence? He will ask.
Ask the children to present the dialogue of the event / story in pairs.
The teacher will read the paragraph.
Will ask to read the paragraph.
The group will ask to classify the details of the paragraph.
Ask them to observe if there are pictures.
Will ask questions to sort out the details.
The student will be asked to classify the details of the table in the group.


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