Mini library of more than 100 different laws, chapters, rules, regulations in PDF format
Mini library of over 100 different laws, acts, rules, regulations in PDF format
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Constitution of India 2. Mamlatdar Court Act, 1906 3. Mumbai Ganot Administration and Agricultural Land Act, 1948 4. Wildlife (Conservation) Act, 1972 5. Animal Cruelty Prevention Act-1860 6. Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 7. Police Manual 8. Scheduled Castes / Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act (Atrocities) - 1989 9. Gujarat District Planning Committee Act, 2008 10. Disaster Management Act, 2005 11. Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897 12. Lokayukta Commission Act, 2013 13. POSCO Protection of Children Against Sexual Offenses Act, 2017 14. Gujarat Juvenile Justice Rules-2011
15. Disability (Protection of Equal Opportunities and Full Participation) Act, 18 16. Aadhaar Act, 2016 17. JJ Act, 2015 18. Extraordinary Gazette of the Government of India, 2007 19. Grant in Aid Code - 1992 20. National Trust Act, 18 21. Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006 22. Prohibition of Begging Act, 1959 23. Rules of Prohibition of Begging in Gujarat, 1964 24. Child Adoption Guide-2018 Tobacco Control Act-2003 25. Disabled Persons (Equal Opportunity, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Rules - 2000 26. University Grants Commission Act: 18 (Hindi)
27. Gujarat Panchayat Act, 1993 28. Right to Free and Compulsory Education to RTE Children Act - 2016 (Gujarat State - Gujarati) 29. Gujarat Educational Institutions (Regulation) Act, 16 30. Gujarat Primary Education Act: 16 31. Gujarat Primary Education Rules: 13 32. Gujarat Secondary Education Act - 13 33. Gujarat Self Supporting School Fee Rules, 2017 34. Gujarat Legislative Assembly Library Rules, 2012 35. Rules of Gujarat Legislative Assembly, 2012 36. Gujarat Legislative Assembly Salary Allowance Act, 190
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37. Acts and Rules on Salary and Allowances of Members of Gujarat Legislative Assembly - 120 (11th Edition-2009) 38. Religious Institutions (Prevention of Abuse) Act, 1988 39. Gujarat Panchayat Service Provident Fund Rules, 1971 40. Prevention of Corruption Act 41. Mumbai Public Trust Act - 120 42. Mumbai Irrigation Act, 1979 43. Arbitration (Protocol and Convention) Act, 16 44. Gujarat Estimates Letter Rules 45. Gujarat Treasury Rules, 2000 46. Gujarat Local Fund Audit Rules, 13 47. Accounting and Audit System of Government of India
37. Acts and Rules on Salary and Allowances of Members of Gujarat Legislative Assembly - 120 (11th Edition-2009) 38. Religious Institutions (Prevention of Abuse) Act, 1988 39. Gujarat Panchayat Service Provident Fund Rules, 1971 40. Prevention of Corruption Act 41. Mumbai Public Trust Act - 120 42. Mumbai Irrigation Act, 1979 43. Arbitration (Protocol and Convention) Act, 16 44. Gujarat Estimates Letter Rules 45. Gujarat Treasury Rules, 2000 46. Gujarat Local Fund Audit Rules, 13 47. Accounting and Audit System of Government of India
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