Maa Amrutam Pradhan Mantri Vatsalya Yojana Hospital List, Package List, Benefits, And All Other Details 2020

Maa Amrutam Pradhan Mantri Vatsalya Yojana Hospital List, Package List, Benefits, And All Other Details 2020

Maa Amrutam Pradhan Mantri Vatsalya Yojana Hospital List, Package List, Benefits, And All Other Details 2020

For people who are living below poverty line and lower income group, an illness not only represents a permanent threat to their income and earning capacity, but in many cases it results in the family falling into a trap of debt. When need to get treatment arises for a poor family they often ignore it because of lack of resources, fearing loss of wages, or they wait till the last moment when it is too late. Health and poverty are interwoven. These families are pushed into a vicious debt poverty cycle due to excessive expenditures arising out of catastrophic health shocks

To address this key vulnerability faced by the BPL population in the Gujarat, Mukhyamantri Amrutam "MA" Yojanawas launched on 4th September, 2012 by Government of Gujarat.

◆ Sarkari Yojana MAA Amrutam Pradhan Mantri Vatsalya Yojana Benefits.

MAA Amrutam Card Benefits
MAA Amrutam Card Dcouemtns
Mukhyamantri Amrutam Yojana Features
MAA Card Online Application
Mukhyamantri Amrutam Yojana Hospital List
MAA Card Hospital List
MAA Card Helpline Number◆ Required Documents...

Aadhar Card
Residential Proof
BPL Card
Identify Proof
Income Proof◆ Surgeries Covered In This Scheme

Cardiovascular Surgeries (a total. 153 Benefit Packages)
Neurosurgery (a total 49 Benefits Packages )
Burns (a total 12 Benefit Packages)
Poly Trauma (Not covered by Motor Vehicle Insurance) ( a total 8 Benefit Packages)
Cancer (Malignancies) Surgical Oncology, Chemotherapy & Radiation Oncology) (a total 210 Benefit Packages)
Renal (Kidney) (a total 21 Benefit Packages)
Neonatal (newborn) diseases (a total 23 Benefit Packages)
Mukhyamantri Amrutum Yojana Provides Quality Medical & Surgical Care For The Catastrophic illnesses Involving Hospitalization, Surgeries and Therapies Through an em panel network of hospitals to the BPL families.MAA Amrutam Pradhan Mantri Vatsalya Yojana Package List.

Burns and Plastic Surgery
Cardio thoracic Surgery
Cardiovascular Surgery
Genitourinary Surgery (Renal)
Neurosurgery Neurology
Interventional Neuroradiology
Pediatric Surgery
Medical Oncology
Radiation Oncology
Surgical Oncology
Knee & Hip Replacement
Organ Transplant Packages
Obstetrics and Gynecology
General Medicine
Mental Disorder Packages
Emergency Room Packages
Pediatric Medical Management
Neonatal Packages
☑️ Important Link
● Official Site :- Click Here
● Pravate Hospital List :- Click Here
● Govt Hospital List :- Click Here

 Health and poverty are interwoven. These families are pushed into a vicious debt poverty cycle due to excessive expenditures arising out of catastrophic health shocks

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